Was born in Ontinyent, Valencia, on the 21th day of may, 1965. He entered the Conservatorio de Música José Melchor Gomis where he studied solfa and music theory with Reverend Father D. Vicente Pérez-Jorge and with Mestre D. José María Ferrero Pastor, and the speciality of tuba with D. Manuel Amorós and D. José Torró Monfort. After that he went on studying at the Conservatorio de Música in Carcaixent with D.Rafael Tortajada, in order to move on learning as a self-taught.
When he was 9 years old, he entered into the dissappeared group of serenaders called La Clave, from Ontinyent, when its director was D. Francisco Ferrero. In 1981, he became a member in the Banda Unión Artística Musical de Ontinyent as a tuba instrumentalist, and, later, he became the promoter and member of the metal quintet of the same musical society. There, he developed a long cycle of concerts around the shire for several years. He has got different leading roles within the musical society as a member of the board of directors, and, later, as the president.
He has attended lessons on musical analysis and orchestra and band conduction with D. Bernardo Adam Ferrero and D. Francisco Moral.
His facet as composer is centred mainly on the music for Moors and Christians, although he has also made some arrangements for chamber groups. Some of his compositions have been recorded for the prestigious collection Ja Baixen and his complete works are listed as follows:
- Maboral (1990)- El moro Rigan (1996)
- Dragones de Caravaca (1997)
- Monfer (1997)
- Millenium (1999)
- Pepe Elies (1995)
- Nereidae (2005)
- Yoltefer (1988)
- Paquito Llin (1989)
- Mingo (1990)
- Pasante (2009)
- Aladins, al pas!!! (2014)
- La Jose (2019)
- Fantasia Almogavar (1988) christian ballet
- Elvira (1994) arabian warlike dance
- Moments per a un aniversari (2005) descriptive symphonic fantasy
I.- Pròleg
II.- Quadre del penssador
III.- Dança de les dos xiquetes
The last work was composed for orchestra and it was ordered to the Societat de Festers del Santíssim Crist de la Agonia from Ontinyent to commemorate its 125 anniversary.